EnglishEnglish Essay with 500+ TopicsEssay On The Beauty of Rainy Season: The Wonders of Nature

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season: The Wonders of Nature

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season

In this article, we talked about Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season. Rainy Season, also called the wet season,” is one of the four seasons when the average amount of rain falls in the area. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Rainy Season

Rainy Season, also called “wet season,” is one of the four seasons when the average amount of rain falls in the area. Most of the time, it is caused by changes in the way the wind blows and other geological things. Most of the time, the rainy season is a welcome break from the extreme heat of the summer. It also fills up the rivers and lakes. During the rainy season, plants that had died come back to life.

During the rainy season, animals are also out and about. Farmers look forward to this time of year because rain is the only thing that can save their crops. But if precautions aren’t taken, the season could also cause a lot of damage. During the rainy season, floods, hurricanes, storms, and other water-related natural disasters tend to happen.

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season Tips

  • Always start an essay with a paragraph about the history of the topic or any other important background information.
  • A formal style of writing must always be used in an academic essay. No matter what, you should never use slang.
  • Don’t use jargon because it makes the sentence less clear. Jargon is okay in technical essays.
  • Always break up content into small, easy-to-understand pieces.
  • Use subheadings to organize your essay at all times.
  • When necessary, use bullet points.
  • Include things like names, places, and dates. This will help the essay make more sense and be clearer.
  • Always end an essay with a concluding paragraph.
  • If you have time, read the essay before sending it in. This will help students fix most of their spelling and grammar mistakes.

Short and Long Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season in English

Students in primary and lower primary classes need to know how to write about the rainy season. Also, students can easily get more points for their essays if they prepare well and hand them in in an organized way. With the following tips and tricks, it shouldn’t be hard to do so. The best time of the year is the rainy season.

Students can use these tips and tricks to write a great essay about the rainy season or any other subject. Also, these rules will help students improve their writing and speaking skills in general, which will help them in higher classes or on future competitive exams.

The times of the year are called seasons. Most places have four seasons, but in some places the number of seasons is different. In India, the monsoons happen because:

  • Summer Season (March to May)
  • Rainy Season (June to September)
  • Spring Season (October to November)
  • Winter Season (December To February)

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season (250 Words): When it rains, dark clouds come.


The term “rainy season” is used to describe the time of year when the majority of annual precipitation falls. The monsoon season in India starts in June and continues until September.

The Approach of Stormy Weather

The southern state of Kerala and the Bay of Bengal are the entry points for the monsoon, which travels across India to the country’s northeastern states.

From the south, it enters Kerala, which is also the first Indian state to get rain. Over the Arabian Sea, thick and black clouds signal the impending arrival of the monsoon in Kerala. The first week of June is often when the monsoon makes its way into Kerala, though this timing can move either way by a few days or weeks depending on other meteorological circumstances.

The monsoon, often known as the southwest monsoon, is the lifeblood of Kerala’s agricultural economy.

A Moment of Natural Beauty

The splendor of nature is truly revealed during the wetter months. Everything turns green as new plants sprout and trees sprout new leaves. As a result of having plenty of food and water, wild animals tend to be more lively during the rainy season. Earth’s water and natural resources are also replenished during this time.


The wet season is not only crucial but also greatly anticipated and cherished. It’s not just the farmers that enjoy the rainy season; people of all ages seem to appreciate the season’s aesthetic benefits.

Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season in English (400 Words): A Perfect Time of Year


During the rainy season, the most rain falls than any other time of the year. During the rainy season, it rains almost all the time, with few or no breaks. Even if it hasn’t rained in a while, there are always dark clouds in the sky.

The most wonderful Season of year

The rainy season is by far the best and most-looked-forward-to time of the year. After a long, hard summer, it gives both people and animals a much-needed break. Everyone loves rain, and both animals and nature seem to be happy when it comes.

As soon as it rains on the dry land for the first time, things start to change quickly. The air and land look cleaner and fresher, for starters. Land that had been dry and lifeless starts to grow new plants and grasses. During the summer, nature is at its most beautiful, showing off all the life it had been hiding. After a long, usually quiet summer, all the animals on Earth, such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, and so on, come out of hibernation and help rebuild the ecosystem.

Good news for farmers

Farmers also benefit from the rainy season because many crops depend on how much rain falls during the monsoon. Kharif crops are those that are planted when the rainy season starts. These crops include rice, maize, pulses, millets, etc. These plants need a certain amount of water, which can only come from rain. Countries like India, Bangladesh, and others that are still developing depend on rains for a lot of their crops.

It’s Mango Season

People also like the rainy season because it’s when the best fruit of the year, mango, is in season. Mango is a very popular fruit in India and is sometimes called the “King of Fruits.” It is the most anticipated fruit of the year, especially by kids, because it is sweet and juicy.

In addition to mangoes, other fruits like Jamun, Plums, Litchi, Peach, Pomegranates, Apples, etc. are grown during the monsoon.


Without a doubt, the best time of year is when it rains. It is not extreme in any way, like winter and summer are. The weather is nice and comfortable. But from a business point of view, it is also very important for farmers and other people who work in agriculture. A bad rainy season will hurt the environment and the economy of a place.

Essay 3 (500–600 Words): When and Why Does It Rain?


The rainy season, also called “monsoon,” is one of the best times of the year. People like the monsoon because the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. During the rainy season, nature is also at its best.

When it rains in different parts of the world

Rainy season months vary from place to place all over the world. Some places have it for a month, while other places have it for longer. Here are some specific places around the world and the Gregorian calendar months when it rains there.

Kerala, India

In the south Indian state of Kerala, the monsoon clouds come in the first week of June and leave the first week of December.

Mumbai, India

The monsoon starts in the second week of June and ends in the first week of October in the coastal city of Mumbai.

Middle America

Central America’s rainy season usually starts in April and ends in October.

Amazon Brazil

From September to May, it rains a lot.

By far, the Indian monsoon system is the most important of all the monsoon systems around the world. The rainy season usually lasts from June to September, but it can sometimes last until September or even October.

Why does it rain when it does?

Changes in the way sea and land temperatures rise and fall each year cause the rainy season everywhere on Earth. The Sun’s place in the sky changes between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Low-pressure areas are created when the sun heats up the sea. This area of low pressure is also known as the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) because it is where trade winds from the northeast and southeast meet. Because of this, moisture rises up into the air and turns into clouds. When the clouds have too much water in them, it rains. When this ITCZ moves toward land, it makes it rain there.

The Indian monsoon comes about because of the same thing. The Thar Desert and other parts of North and Central India get hot during the peak summer months of May and June. Because of this heating, a low-pressure zone forms over the subcontinent. This makes the ITCZ move from the Indian Ocean to the land, bringing with it winds that are full of moisture and cause it to rain.

Why it’s important for it to rain

From an irrigation point of view, the rainy season is very important. The amount of rain is the only thing that makes paddy, or rice, a major crop in the Indian subcontinent. It is planted in June or July and harvested in November or December. Fields need to have a certain amount of water. So, the rainy season is an important part of growing paddy, and it affects the lives of millions of farming families in the subcontinent.

On the other hand, the rainy season is also needed to keep the natural water supply at a good level. Lakes, underground water, and rivers that only flow during certain times of the year all dry up during the hot summer months. Only when it rains does the water come back. The rainy season gets the earth ready for the coming cold and dry seasons by giving it more water and food.


The rainy season is a very important part of the life cycle. Without it, the cycle would stop. It is very important for both agriculture and filling up the groundwater reserves. India and other countries whose economies are based on farming depend a lot on the monsoon rains to grow crops and vegetables. It is also everyone’s favorite time of year. Children, teens, and adults all love it because it shows the pure beauty of nature.

Long Essay On The Beauty of Rainy Season in English (800 – 1000 Words): Rainy Season is the best?


“Rainy Season,” which is also called “Wet Season” in some places, is the time of year when a region gets the most rain. Tropical and subtropical areas on both sides of the equator have rainy seasons, depending on where they are. Most of the time, the rainy season lasts for a month, but in some places, it can last for three to four months. In the essay that follows, we’ll talk about things like what causes a rainy season, how long it lasts, why it’s important, and finally, what it all means.

Rainy Season Lasts for Months

There is no set length for the rainy season, and in different parts of the world, it lasts for different amounts of time. For example, tropical rainforests don’t have wet and dry times of the year, and it rains there all year long. In the Republic of Guyana, which is in South America, there are two rainy seasons that last about a month each.

The rainy season in the Indian subcontinent is called “monsoon,” and it usually lasts for three to four months in the summer.

What makes it rainy?

The rainy season happens every so often because of the direction of the winds that carry clouds and moisture changes. When it gets hot during the day in a certain area, the air around it gets lighter and rises, making it a low-pressure zone. This pushes the wet winds across the oceans and onto land. When these winds carrying clouds and moisture reach the continent, they make it rain. When the cycle lasts for a few months, the area is in its monsoon season, also called its “wet season.”

When the same cycle of winds changes direction and makes it rain over the oceans, this is also called the rainy season.

India’s rainy season

India’s rainy season is called the southwest summer monsoon. It lasts for four months and has light to heavy rain almost everywhere in the country. The Indian monsoon starts in the southern Indian Ocean, where the trade winds from the equator come together to make a mass of high pressure.

Because the weather in South Asia is hot, a low-pressure area has formed there. Through the southwest, these winds bring humidity to the land of India. The Bay of Bengal monsoon and the Arabian Sea monsoon are the two parts of India’s Southwest monsoon.

The Arabian Sea monsoon is stronger than the Bay of Bengal monsoon and covers the Thar Desert in west India. The bay of Bengal monsoon moves along the eastern coast of India, passing through the states of Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, and the northeastern states. Then it goes to the Indo-Gangetic plains in northern India.

Since the monsoon spell makes the country cooler, it gets weaker over time and leaves north India around the middle of August. The monsoon usually leaves Mumbai on October 5, and it leaves all of India by the end of November.

Why it’s important for it to rain

When a country’s economy is based on agriculture, like India’s, the rainy seasons are very important. About 20% of India’s GDP comes from the agriculture sector (Gross Domestic Product). It is also one of the biggest employers, with 600 million people working in it across the country.

Because of this, the monsoon is important for India’s economy because a lot of the harvest depends on how good the monsoon is. If the monsoon is strong, it will help the economy by giving farmers good crops. If the monsoon is weak, however, it could lead to famine, drought, and widespread poverty.

Monsoons are also very important for keeping water levels in the ground and in natural water sources at a good level. A lot of plants, animals, and people depend on the natural water resources that are out there. The rainy season fills up these sources of fresh water, giving them enough water to last through the next dry season.

When it rains a lot during the monsoon, we can also use different rainwater harvesting techniques to get water from the runoff. Simple methods can be used to collect the water that runs off our roofs, streets, and gardens. The water can be stored in tanks so that there will be enough in the summer.

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Rainy Season is definitely the best and most important time of the year, especially for a country like India where agriculture is the main source of income. The season also refills the natural freshwater supplies and gives life on Earth a new lease on life. Water is needed for life on Earth, and a lot of it comes from the rains that fall during the wet seasons. Without a rainy season, many green parts of the world will soon turn into deserts where life is hard to find or doesn’t exist at all.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Rainy Season

Q.1 What is the importance of the rainy season?

During the wet season, the air quality gets better, the freshwater gets better, and the plants grow a lot, which makes it possible to harvest crops later in the season. When rivers get too full, some animals move to higher ground. The soil loses nutrients, and erosion gets worse.

Q.2 When does the rainy season begin in India?

The rainy season starts from the month of June and lasts till September.

Q.3 Why does the Rainy Season differ from One State to the Other?

Due to the diverse topographical features of India, the rainy season varies from one state to the other. The Himalayan Ranges make it hard for winds with a lot of moisture to move. This is the first step in how clouds are made. In other states, clouds with water droplets come from the oceans and rain heavily for a few months. Even though a lot of states are in the same tropical area, the amount of rain they get is very different. During the monsoon season, it doesn’t rain much in Rajasthan, but it rains a lot in West Bengal. How much rain falls in each state depends on where it is in our country. Meghalaya gets a lot of rain all year long because it is in the middle of the Himalayan Ranges.

Q.4 What are five things we see on a rainy day?

black clouds.

Q.5 Which States rain the most?

South Carolina – 48 inches of rain per year.
Arkansas – 49.6 inches of rain per year.
Georgia – 50 inches of rain per year.
Alabama – 56 inches of rain per year.
Mississippi – 57 inches of rain per year.
Louisiana – about 60 inches of rain per year.

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