HomeFull FormNACO Full Form

NACO Full Form

What Is the Full Form of NACO?

The NACO full form is the National Aids Control Organization. It is an Indian government agency, established to monitor epidemics in India and reporting to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. In addition, it seeks to increase healthcare coverage for HIV+ individuals and to protect and preserve their human rights. It envisions an India in which every HIV+ person has access to healthcare services and is treated with dignity.

NACO Full Form

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NACO Full Form Details

  • Since its inception, it has worked relentlessly to increase awareness of HIV or AIDS and to disseminate accurate AIDS knowledge so that hypotheses and assumptions can be addressed.
  • In addition, it provides information on how to reduce the risk of HIV transmission through behavioral modifications.
  • NACO creates strong partnerships with NGOs, women’s self-help organizations, and other support networks and groups in order to guarantee that persons with HIV will have access to trustworthy health treatment.
  • In addition, it instructs and encourages males and females to utilize protection and extra contraception for safe behavior.
  • Therefore, we can claim that it promotes AIDS awareness, motivates and equips individuals with the knowledge to encourage everyone to protect themselves from HIV. 

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