EnglishEssay on Organic Farming

Essay on Organic Farming

Organic Farming Essay in English

Essay on Organic Farming: Organic farming is sustainable agriculture that doesn’t use synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or GMOs. It promotes natural soil fertility, biodiversity, and animal welfare while providing consumers with healthy, nutritious food. In this Essay on Organic Farming, we will talk about What is organic farming, the importance of organic farming, principal of organic farming, and the barriers of organic farming. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

People think that the food we eat today is very healthy, but few of us know how many chemicals are used to grow that food. In this essay about organic farming, we will talk about the harmful ways that farmers grow crops, which can poison our food chain.

600+ Word Essay on Organic Farming for Students

Essay on Organic Farming

What does “organic farming” mean?

Organic farming doesn’t use chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Instead, it feeds the microorganisms in the soil with things like composted garbage and sewage, manure, plant waste, food processing waste, and so on. Organic farming uses biological processes to get high-quality crops and yields that are just as good as those grown with modern farming methods.

Organic farming means farming in the spirit of the organic relationship between soil, water, and plants, between soil, soil microbes, and waste products, between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, between agriculture and forestry, and between soil, water, and the atmosphere.

Nature uses many different ways to give nutrients to the soil and keep it fertile. In nature, there are no breaks in the supply of nutrients. The plant’s leaves make carbs, which are then turned into sugar, starch, cellulose, lignin, and other things.

Organic manure is made by mixing together materials that are high in carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash. The trace elements should be in the right amounts, and the carbon-nitrogen ratio (C/N) should not be too high or too low.

Farmers are used to doing this kind of preparation. There is no need to add a supplement of nitrogen-based fertilizer. The nitrogenous chemical fertilizer throws off the balance of nutrients in the soil. Nitrogenous fertilizer is known as a growth stimulant, and farmers can’t get enough of it.

Components of Organic Farming

Parts of organic farming are explained in more detail below.

Organic Manures

Organic manure gives plants the basic nutrients they need in small amounts. It is a natural way for farmers to feed their crops (by giving them plant nutrients). Farmers use many different types of organic manure, such as farm waste, oilcake, vermicompost, and animal bone, which is a type of biological waste.

Biological Pest Management

Keeping natural pests alive is important if you want to avoid using chemical pesticides. Organic pesticides like neem, tobacco, and other plants that are good for the environment need to be promoted. Some microorganism pesticides, like Bacillus thuringiensis, are guaranteed to work. Biological pest control is a must if you want to improve the quality of the soil.

Non-Chemical Weed Control

Most of the time, mechanical methods of weed control are used to reduce the number of weeds. Weeds need to be controlled in a more natural way.

Agronomical Practices

The physical and chemical properties of soil will be improved by doing things like the “yield revolution,” “blended trimming,” and “green manuring.” The ripeness of these practices is increased by taking the yields of legumes into account.

Alley Cropping

Backstreet trimming is the process of arranging long-lasting plants (usually legumes) in the framework of a garden.

Principles of Organic Farming

No Chemical Plant Food

When nature is left alone, more plants and animals grow, and the dead parts of plants and animals pile up and are broken down on the surface by microbes and growths. Without using substance manure, you can get good returns by using straw, green compost, and the waste from a ranch yard.

No Use of Herbicide

In many fields, weeds are kept under control with the help of straw mulch and temporary flooding.

Pesticides Can’t Be Used

Synthetic pesticides shouldn’t be used because natural enemies of pests are kept alive and organic pesticides are used instead.

Upkeep Healthy Soil

Soil health is kept up by growing vegetables, using green manure, green leaf manure, crop pivot, entomb, and blended editing, as well as by using green manure and green leaf manure.

Importance of Organic Farming Essay

  • It doesn’t harm the environment because it doesn’t use substances and plant insurance synthetic compounds.
  • When compared to regular gardening, organic gardening uses less energy.
  • There is less need for motorization.
  • Less disturbing effects of soil, good structure, and high organic matter content will be kept.
  • Organic food costs more than food that is grown in the usual way.

Risks to organic farming

  • When switching to organic farming, there is often a problem with the harvest, especially if the change is made quickly.
  • Land assets can move freely from organic farming to regular farming, but they can’t move freely in the opposite direction.
  • It’s possible that organic controls have been weakened, and it could take three or four years for deposits to lose their effect.


Organic farming is an important practice that helps to protect the environment, people’s health, and the economy. It has many advantages over traditional farming, such as keeping the soil healthy and fertile, making sure food is safe and healthy, and protecting biodiversity and animal welfare.

By encouraging organic farming, we can make sure that we and the planet will have a healthy and stable future.

Short Essay On Organic Farming for Students

Organic farming is important in the world we live in now. Organic farming means growing crops in a way that doesn’t hurt the soil, water, or plants, or the soil organisms or the environment. This also shows the link between the world of plants and the world of animals as a whole, between agriculture and ranger work, and between soil, water, and the environment.

Nature gets help from many different ways to add to the soil and keep it productive. Nature hasn’t changed the way supplements look or act. Carbohydrates are made in the plant’s leaves, which are then changed into sugar, starch, cellulose, lignin, and so on.

To make organic compost, you mix materials that are high in carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash. The small parts are all there, and the most important ratio of carbon to nitrogen is neither too high nor too low. Ranchers are able to make this kind of arrangement. There is no need to add some manure that is high in nitrogen as a supplement.

The soil is brought back into balance by the compost, which has nitrogen in it. Nitrogenous manure is known as a growth booster, and ranchers can’t get enough of it. Organic farming has a lot of advantages in the modern world, and it is thought to be much safer than traditional farming. When this method is used, it can improve people’s health and make the soil better for farming. Using these methods is helpful because they lead to crops with more nutrients and better food.

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