ChemistryAlkanes Questions

Alkanes Questions

Alkanes are hydrocarbons that are saturated and have the general formula CnH2n+2. They are further classified based on their structure as linear straight-chain alkanes, branched-chain alkanes, and cycloalkanes. They lack both odor and color and are insoluble in water. Alkanes’ melting point and boiling point increase as their molecular weight increases. Alkanes have low chemical reactivity because they are extremely stable compounds. Alkanes are important as industrial fuels.

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At room temperature, alkanes with C1 to C4 carbon atoms are gases, alkanes with C5 to C17 carbon atoms are liquids, and alkanes with carbon atoms greater than 18 are solids. The first three alkanes are methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), and propane (C3H8).

Alkane Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1. What kind of reactions do alkanes undergo?

Answer: The two most important reactions of alkanes are combustion and halogenation.

Combustion: Alkanes undergo a combustion reaction to give carbon dioxide and water.

Halogenation: Alkanes undergo a halogenation reaction to give haloalkane.

Q2. Give an example of each of the combustion reaction and halogenation reaction of alkanes

Answer: Combustion reaction: Methane undergoes a combustion reaction to give carbon dioxide and water.

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O

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Halogenation reaction: Ethane undergoes a bromination reaction to give ethyl bromide in the presence of heat or light.

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Q3. Choose the alkane from the following

(a) Hexane

(b) Hexene

(c) Hexyne

(d) Hexanol

Answer: (a)


Q4. Choose the correct molecular formula of alkane from the following

(a) C4H10

(b) C5H10

(c) C6H6

(d) C4H8

Answer: (a) C4H10 is the alkane butane.

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Q5. Why are alkanes called saturated hydrocarbons?

Answer: Alkanes are called saturated hydrocarbons because they do not contain multiple bonds like a double bonds or triple bonds in their structure. The carbon and hydrogen atoms in alkanes are bonded by single covalent bonds.

Q6. What is meant by incomplete combustion?

Answer: Incomplete combustion is a combustion reaction in which poisonous carbon monoxide gas is released. The energy released in incomplete combustion is less than that of complete combustion.

Q7. Match the following items of column 1 with column 2 and choose the correct answer:

Column 1Column 2
1) C5H12a) Cyclic alkane
2) C3H6b) Branched alkane
3)C8H18c) Linear alkane


Column 1Column 2
1) C5H12c) Linear alkane
2) C3H6a) Cyclic alkane
3)C8H18b) Branched alkane

Q8. What is the bond angle of alkanes?

Answer: The bond angle of alkanes is 109.5o.

Q9. Arrange n-pentane, iso-pentane and neopentane in decreasing order of their boiling points.

Answer: The boiling point decreases with an increase in the branching of alkanes. Thus, n-pentane > iso-pentane > neopentane is the decreasing order of boiling points.

Q10. Which metal is used in the preparation of Grignard reagent from haloalkanes?

Answer: Magnesium metal is used in the preparation of Grignard reagent from haloalkanes.

Q11. Give one use of ethylene dibromide.

Answer: Ethylene dibromide is used as an anti-knocking agent in the combustion chambers to prevent the deposition of lead metal.

Q12. Explain Wurtz reaction.

Answer: The reaction in which 2 moles of alkyl halide react with sodium in presence of dry ether to give alkane is called the Wurtz reaction.

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Q13. Which compound is most volatile among the following?

(a) Isobutane

(b) n-pentane

(c) 2,2 dimethylpropane

(d) propane

Answer: (c)

Q14. What is freon-12?

Answer: Dichlorodifluoromethane is known as freon-12. It is a colorless gas and is used as a refrigerant and also as an aerosol spray propellant.

Q15. What is the geometry of a methane molecule?

Answer: Methane molecule is tetrahedral in geometry.

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