Pop star Lizzo is facing a lawsuit filed by three of her former dancers.

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Red Eyes

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One of the most common signs of conjunctivitis is redness in one or both eyes. This is due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin transparent layer covering the white part of the eye.

Increased Tear Production

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Conjunctivitis often causes an excess of tears, leading to watery eyes.

Burning or Itching

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If your eyes feel itchy or burn, it could be a sign of conjunctivitis. These symptoms may be especially noticeable when you wake up.

Blurred Vision

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Conjunctivitis can cause your vision to become blurry or hazy. This is due to the inflammation and possible discharge affecting the eye's clarity.

Sensitivity to Light

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You may find bright lights uncomfortable or even painful, a condition known as photophobia. This can be a sign of conjunctivitis.

Green or White Discharge

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Conjunctivitis often produces a thick, green or white discharge from the eyes.

Crust on Eyelids or Lashes

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When you sleep, the discharge may dry and form a crust around your eyes. This can make your eyes feel 'stuck shut' in the morning.

Feeling of a Foreign Body

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Conjunctivitis can make you feel like there's something in your eye that you can't get out, similar to a feeling of grit or sand.

Swollen Eyelids

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In some cases, the eyelids may become swollen due to the inflammation associated with conjunctivitis.

Eye Pain

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While not as common, some forms of conjunctivitis can cause mild to moderate eye pain. If you're experiencing eye pain along with other symptoms, it could be conjunctivitis.