Thick Brush Stroke

 Fake people don’t change    when they’re sorry, they   change when they’re caught.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Thick Brush Stroke

 Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

 Life is too short for fake     butter or fake people.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

I hate two-faced people. It’s so hard to decide which face to slap first.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

If they talk about other people with you, they will talk about you with other people.

Image Credit: Google

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

 If I doubt your intentions,  I will never trust your actions.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake Friend Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

Fake people are like clouds, when they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

 Fake friends are like    mosquitoes, they only come    around to suck your blood.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

 Fake people are only nice    when it suits their agenda.

Image Credit: unsplesh

Fake People Quotes

Thick Brush Stroke

Fake people are like mirrors, they reflect what they think you want to see.

Image Credit: Google

Fake People Quotes

Next: Best Friend Quotes for Your BFF

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